So you are looking for a new language to learn. Have
you ever considered Modern Greek?
I truly believe Greek is worth it, and not just
because it's my language. Okay, maybe precisely because it's my language, I may be a little prejudiced in favour
of it. But why not trust my inside knowledge on this? Let's find out the 5
reasons why Greek should be your next language.
Consider that Modern Greek is not that hard as Ancient
Greek. Still, there are four cases to master (including the most interesting
and rare vocative case), but all in all, grammar rules are pretty
straightforward. As with most Indo-European languages, Greek has become more
analytic, making things easier for the language learner.
You will use a beautiful new script that is used in
mathematics, science, and engineering. Greek letters are also used in the
International Phonetic Alphabet and in the names of stars and constellations. In
case you want to appear sophisticated, you could also learn how to write in the
quaint polytonic system. So cool!
Some languages are great for prose and some other
languages for poetry. Modern Greek is absolutely a language for poetry. We are a
small country but already with two Nobel laureates, both in poetry. If you love
poems, that's the language to learn!
Believe it or not, you already know a lot of Greek. I
know, because I have the (bad) habit of saying Greek stuff to friends from
other countries and I have seen they understand me. How they do it: using the
Ancient Greek they had been taught at school as well as the various Greek
elements that appear in certain English words. So with Greek, you are not
starting from scratch. Αnd now a quiz for you: can you guess the meaning of
the following Greek words? paidiatros
(παιδίατρος), pateras (πατέρας) katharizo
(καθαρίζω), theatro (θέατρο), panepistimio
(πανεπιστήμιο) gymnastirio (γυμναστήριο). You can find the answers at the end of the post.
According to some linguists, Modern Greek is still
evolving, trying to sober up after years of struggle between the two varieties
known as Demotic and Katharevousa. The two varieties differ
in the matter of register, with Katharevousa being more formal due to its
connection with Ancient Greek. As a result, there are many sets of words that
express the same idea or concept, something that is explored by writers in
various ways. Learning Greek will enable you to witness this most interesting
As you see, Greek is a messy language, with tons of
exceptions and irregularities. But this is due to its numerous adventures over
the centuries. Studying this kind of language
can make you grow as a language learner, and this is what matters most.
Still all Greek to you? Read more:
Quiz answers:
paidiatros: paediatrician, pateras:
father, katharizo: to clean (related
to catharsis!), theatro: theatre, panepistimio: university (related to
epistemology!) gymnastirio: gym (from
Beautiful! I was hoping someone would write about this topic. Thank you. Keep up the good work!
I am glad you liked it! Thanks for your kind words!
Hi Sofia,
Can I add one more reason? :)
Knowing even a bit of Greek would help anyone during their summer vacations in beautiful Greece! ;)
And thank you for the link to my post!
You're welcome, Plamena!
Excellent point btw! A great idea for a new post!
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